Research & Projects
• Lin L., Babadagli T., Li H., 2025. An empirical model for predicting saturation pressure of pure hydrocarbons in nanopores. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 588: 114232.
• Du X., Xi C., Zhou Y., Shen D., Wang B., Liu T., Zhao F., Zhao J., Qi Z., Lin L.*, Istratescu G., Babadagli T., Li H., 2025. Organic alkalis as potential additives in hot water flooding for enhancing heavy oil recovery. *Corresponding author.
• Lin L., Babadagli T., Li H., 2024. Understanding the Dynamics of Matrix-Fracture Interaction: The First Step Towards Suitable Fracturing Fluid Design and Chemical EOR in Unconventional Oil/Gas Recovery. SPE J. 29 (11): 6251–6269.
• Lin L., Babadagli T., Li H., 2024. Understanding The Dynamics of Matrix-fracture Interaction For Suitable Fracturing Fluid Design And Chemical EOR In Unconventional Oil/gas Recovery. SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition. March 13-14, Calgary, AB. SPE-218032-MS.
• Lin L., Babadagli T., Li H., 2023. Accurate Prediction Of The Saturation Pressures Of Hydrocarbons In Unconventional Reservoirs: A Modified Alpha-function For The Peng-robinson Equation Of State. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. October 16-18, San Antonio, TX. SPE-214983-MS.
• Du X., Liu T., Xi C., Wang B., Qi Z., Zhou Y., Xu J., Lin L.*, Istratescu G., Babadagli T., Li H., 2023. Can Hot Water Injection with Chemical Additives be an Alternative to Steam Injection: Static and Dynamic Experimental Evidence. Fuel, 331: 1-16. *Corresponding author.
• Mohammedalmojtaba M., Lin L., Istratescu G., Babadagli T., Zadeh A., Anderson M., Patterson C., 2020. Underlying physics of heavy oil recovery by gas injection: An experimental parametric analysis when oil exists in the form of oil based emulsion. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 163:192–203.
• Lin L., Zeng F., Gu Y., 2014. A circular solvent chamber model for simulating the VAPEX heavy oil recovery process. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 118 (6): 27–39.
• Lin L., Ma H., Zeng F., Gu Y., 2014. Experimental and numerical studies of the reservoir permeability and drainage height effects on the solvent-diluted heavy oil gravity drainage. Paper SPE 170096. SPE Heavy Oil Conference Canada. June 10–12, Calgary, Alberta.
• Lin L., Ma H., Zeng F., Gu Y., 2014. A critical review of the solvent-based heavy oil recovery methods. Paper SPE 170098. SPE Heavy Oil Conference Canada. June 10–12, Calgary, Alberta.
• Lin L., 2014. Experimental, theoretical, and numerical studies of solvent-based heavy oil recovery processes. Master degree thesis, University of Regina.
• Liu S., Sang S., Zhu Q., Zhang J., Gao H., Liu H., Lin L., 2015. Triple medium physical model of post fracturing high-rank coal reservoir in southern Qinshui Basin. Journal of Earth Science, 26 (23): 407–415.
• Wang H., Lin L.*, Du Z., Zhang M., 2012. Signal processing in liquid level detection with acoustic method using spectral subtraction. Journal of Oil and Gas Technology, 34 (1): 118–122. *Corresponding author.
• Wang H., Lin L.*, 2011. Signal denoising in liquid level detection with acoustic method using wavelet transform. Industrial Instrumentation & Automation, 6: 56–58. *Corresponding author.
• Lin L., 2011. Research on signal identification technology in liquid level detection of oil wells using acoustic method. Master degree thesis, China University of Petroleum.
Project 1
Dynamics of Matrix-fracture Interaction in unconventional oil/gas recovery
The imbibition rate and the final oil recovery factor depend on the interactions between matrix and fracture. These interactions are strongly influenced by many factors such as rock wettability, interfacial tension (IFT), oil and rock type and interaction mode (co-current or counter-current), initial water saturation as well as the properties of injected fluid with/without chemical additives.
• Understanding The Dynamics of Matrix-fracture Interaction;
• Suitable Fracturing Fluid Design And Chemical EOR In Unconventional Oil/gas Recovery;
• A SPE CET conference paper.
Project 2
Phase behaviours of hydrocarbons in unconventional reservoirs
Due to the confinement and strong adsorption to the pore wall in meso- and nano- pores, fluid phase behavior in the confined media, such as the tight and shale reservoirs, can be significantly different from that in the bulk phase.
• Modification of Peng-Robinson Equation of State;
• Modeling of thermodynamic properties of reservoir fluid in confined space;
• A mathematical model to accurately predict saturation pressures of hydrocarbons in unconventional reservoirs;
• A SPE ATCE conference paper.
Project 3
New chemical flooding technology for thermal recovery
This is a joint research collaboration between our research group at the UofA and the Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development (RIPED).
• Novel chemical evaluation and selection for hot water flooding in heavy oil reservoirs;
• Analysis on the performance of hot water flooding and chemical injection under different operational conditions.
• A systematic procedure to evaluate the performance of chemical additives for heavy oil recovery;
• A journal paper in the journal Fuel.
Project 4
An Experimental Study on the Impact of Gas Injection on Water-in-Oil Emulsions
This research was conducted with collaboration with our research partner CNRL .
• Experimental studies of the interfacial properties, relative volume change, and PVT behavior of CO2 and CH4 in water-in-oil emulsions;
• Effect of water content on the physical properties of the water-in-oil emulsions .
• A better understanding of the interaction of emulsified oil with CH4 and CO2 and used as secondary or tertiary injection materials in heavy-oil field;
• A journal paper in Chemical Engineering Research and Design.
Project 5
Physical and mathematical modeling of a solvent vapour extraction (VAPEX) process.
This research was conducted with the financial support from a NSERC discovery grant.
• Experimental studies of VAPEX for heavy oil recovery;
• Mathematical modeling of heavy oil production using VAPEX technique.
• A journal paper in Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering;
• Two conference papers in SPE Heavy Oil Conference.