[ Sept 2022] - [ Current ]
[ PhD ][ GPA: 4/4 ]
I work on enhanced oil recovery methods of unconventional reservoirs.
[ Sept 2011 ] - [ June 2014 ]
[ MASc ][ GPA: 3.7/4 ]
My research focuses on the solvent-based heavy oil recovery techniques.
Work Experience
Research assistant
[ Sep 2022 ] - Present
[ University of Alberta ]
• Conducted research on enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques in both conventional and unconventional reservoirs;
• Completed experimental studies on fluid flow in porous media with chemical additives for heavy oil recovery;
• Performed studies on hydraulic fracturing fluid design and EOR using chemicals in unconventional reservoirs;
• Made project designs in advanced petroleum engineering courses, including Production Engineering, Drilling Engineering and Reservoir simulation;
• Developed a mathematical model for accurately predicting saturation pressure of hydrocarbons in nanopores;
• Drafted multiple manuscripts for publication.
Research technician
[ Nov 2014 ] - [August 2023]
[ University of Alberta ]
• Instructed lab personnel in proper using and setting up the lab equipment;
• Developed standard operating procedures, hazard assessments for new experiment setups with safety protocols and regulations;
• Designed customized experimental setups for research purposes, including SAGD, chemical flooding, microfluidics for EOR and other experiments under high pressure and high temperature conditions;
Research assistant
[ Sept 2011 ] - [June 2014 ]
[ University of Regina]
• Conducted experimental studies in Petroleum Technology Research Centre (PTRC) on enhanced heavy oil recovery by using high pressure high temperature equipment;
• Developed a new theoretical model for simulating the oil production rate and solvent chamber evolution in the VAPEX process;
• Performed numerical simulations of solvent- and thermal-based heavy oil recovery;
Volunteer Experience
Academic service
• Symposium Chair of Faculty of Engineering Graduate Research Symposium (FEGRS) at the University of Alberta;
• Founding executive, serving as the VP Academic for Graduate Students’ Association of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEEGSA) at the University of Alberta;
• Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) councilor at the University of Alberta;
• Volunteer as a judge for 2023 Festival of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities at the University of Alberta;
• Certified peer reviewer for Elsevier journals;
• Volunteer reviewer for journals, such as Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (JPSE), Fuel, Applied Energy.
Volunteer for mentoring
• Mentor at the DiscoverE program;
• Energy Adventurer for Science Rendezvous at the Telus World of Science;
• Energy4me Ambassador for Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE);
• Volunteer in Ellerslie Road Baptist Church (ERBC): Chinese Language Teacher, Small group fellowship leader, Sports Night leader.
Community service
• Volunteer in the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): 2023 SPE ATCE Startup Village coordinator; 2024 SPE CET; Energy4me Ambassador, Translator for SPE translation project;
• Volunteer Fundraiser for Adeara Recovery Centre during the Coldest Night of The Year 2024;
• Volunteer for other various events, including 2016 Edmonton Emergency Relief Services for Fort McMurray wildfire; 2015 Heritage Festival in Edmonton, Alberta; 2014 New Students Welcome at the Regina International Airport; 2012 Global Showcase at the University of Regina.
• Lin L., Babadagli T., Li H., 2024. An empirical model for predicting saturation pressure of pure hydrocarbons in nanopores. Fluid Phase Equilibria.
• Lin L., Babadagli T., Li H., 2024. Understanding the Dynamics of Matrix-Fracture Interaction: The First Step Towards Suitable Fracturing Fluid Design and Chemical EOR in Unconventional Oil/Gas Recovery. SPE Journal. SPE-218032-PA.
• Lin L., Babadagli T., Li H., 2024. Understanding the Dynamics of Matrix-Fracture Interaction for Suitable Fracturing Fluid Design and Chemical EOR in Unconventional Oil/Gas Recovery. SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition. March 13-14, Calgary, AB. SPE-218032-MS.
• Lin L., Babadagli T., Li H., 2023. Accurate Prediction Of The Saturation Pressures Of Hydrocarbons in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Modified Alpha-function For the Peng-Robinson Equation of State. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. October 16-18, San Antonio, TX. SPE-214983-MS.
• Du X., Liu T., Xi C., Wang B., Qi Z., Zhou Y., Xu J., Lin L.*, Istratescu G., Babadagli T., Li H., 2023. Can Hot Water Injection with Chemical Additives be an Alternative to Steam Injection: Static and Dynamic Experimental Evidence. Fuel, 331: 1-16. *Corresponding author.
• Mohammedalmojtaba M., Lin L., Istratescu G., Babadagli T., Zadeh A., Anderson M., Patterson C., 2020. Underlying physics of heavy oil recovery by gas injection: An experimental parametric analysis when oil exists in the form of oil based emulsion. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 163:192–203.
• Lin L., Zeng F., Gu Y., 2014. A circular solvent chamber model for simulating the VAPEX heavy oil recovery process. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 118 (6): 27–39.
• Lin L., Ma H., Zeng F., Gu Y., 2014. Experimental and numerical studies of the reservoir permeability and drainage height effects on the solvent-diluted heavy oil gravity drainage. Paper SPE 170096. SPE Heavy Oil Conference Canada. June 10–12, Calgary, Alberta.
• Lin L., Ma H., Zeng F., Gu Y., 2014. A critical review of the solvent-based heavy oil recovery methods. Paper SPE 170098. SPE Heavy Oil Conference Canada. June 10–12, Calgary, Alberta.
• Lin L., 2014. Experimental, theoretical, and numerical studies of solvent-based heavy oil recovery processes. Master degree thesis, University of Regina.
• Liu S., Sang S., Zhu Q., Zhang J., Gao H., Liu H., Lin L., 2015. Triple medium physical model of post fracturing high-rank coal reservoir in southern Qinshui Basin. Journal of Earth Science, 26 (23): 407–415.
• Wang H., Lin L.*, Du Z., Zhang M., 2012. Signal processing in liquid level detection with acoustic method using spectral subtraction. Journal of Oil and Gas Technology, 34 (1): 118–122. *Corresponding author.
• Wang H., Lin L.*, 2011. Signal denoising in liquid level detection with acoustic method using wavelet transform. Industrial Instrumentation & Automation, 6: 56–58. *Corresponding author.
• Lin L., 2011. Research on signal identification technology in liquid level detection of oil wells using acoustic method. Master degree thesis, China University of Petroleum.