

[ Sept 2022] - [ Current ]

[ University of Alberta

[ PhD ][ GPA: 4/4 ]

I work on enhanced oil recovery methods of unconventional reservoirs. 

[ Sept 2011 ] - [ June 2014 ]

[ University of Regina

[ MASc ][ GPA: 3.7/4 ]

My research focuses on the solvent-based heavy oil recovery techniques.

Work Experience

Research assistant

[ Sep 2022 ] - Present

[ University of Alberta ] 

Conducted research on enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques in both conventional and unconventional reservoirs;

Completed experimental studies on fluid flow in porous media with chemical additives for heavy oil recovery;

Performed studies on hydraulic fracturing fluid design and EOR using chemicals in unconventional reservoirs;

Made project designs in advanced petroleum engineering courses, including Production Engineering, Drilling Engineering and Reservoir simulation;

Developed a mathematical model for accurately predicting saturation pressure of hydrocarbons in nanopores;

Drafted multiple manuscripts for publication.

Research technician

[ Nov 2014 ] - [August 2023]

[ University of Alberta ] 

Instructed lab personnel in proper using and setting up the lab equipment;

Developed standard operating procedures, hazard assessments for new experiment setups with safety protocols and regulations;

Designed customized experimental setups for research purposes, including SAGD, chemical flooding, microfluidics for EOR and other experiments under high pressure and high temperature conditions;

Research assistant

[ Sept 2011 ] - [June 2014 ]

[ University of Regina] 

Conducted experimental studies in Petroleum Technology Research Centre (PTRC) on enhanced heavy oil recovery by using high pressure high temperature equipment;

Developed a new theoretical model for simulating the oil production rate and solvent chamber evolution in the VAPEX process;

Performed numerical simulations of solvent- and thermal-based heavy oil recovery;

Volunteer Experience

Academic service

Symposium Chair of Faculty of Engineering Graduate Research Symposium (FEGRS) at the University of Alberta; 

Founding executive, serving as the VP Academic for Graduate Students’ Association of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEEGSA) at the University of Alberta; 

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) councilor at the University of Alberta;

Volunteer as a judge for 2023 Festival of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities at the University of Alberta;

Certified peer reviewer for Elsevier journals; 

Volunteer reviewer for journals, such as Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (JPSE), Fuel, Petroleum Science, SPE Journal, Applied Energy.

Volunteer for mentoring

Mentor at the DiscoverE program;

Energy Adventurer for Science Rendezvous at the Telus World of Science; 

Energy4me Ambassador for Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE);

Volunteer in Ellerslie Road Baptist Church (ERBC): Chinese Language Teacher, Small group fellowship leader, Sports Night leader.

Community service

Volunteer in the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): 2023 & 2024 SPE ATCE Startup Village coordinator; 2024 SPE CET;  Energy4me Ambassador, Translator for SPE translation project;

Volunteer Fundraiser for Adeara Recovery Centre during the Coldest Night of The Year 2024;

Volunteer for other various events, including 2016 Edmonton Emergency Relief Services for Fort McMurray wildfire; 2015 Heritage Festival in Edmonton, Alberta; 2014 New Students Welcome at the Regina International Airport; 2012 Global Showcase at the University of Regina.


Lin L., Babadagli T., Li H., 2024. An empirical model for predicting saturation pressure of pure hydrocarbons in nanopores. Fluid Phase Equilibria.

Lin L., Babadagli T., Li H., 2024. Understanding the Dynamics of Matrix-Fracture Interaction: The First Step Towards Suitable Fracturing Fluid Design and Chemical EOR in Unconventional Oil/Gas Recovery. SPE Journal. SPE-218032-PA.

Lin L., Babadagli T., Li H., 2024. Understanding the Dynamics of Matrix-Fracture Interaction for Suitable Fracturing Fluid Design and Chemical EOR in Unconventional Oil/Gas Recovery. SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition. March 13-14, Calgary, AB. SPE-218032-MS.

Lin L., Babadagli T., Li H., 2023. Accurate Prediction Of The Saturation Pressures Of Hydrocarbons in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Modified Alpha-function For the Peng-Robinson Equation of State. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. October 16-18, San Antonio, TX. SPE-214983-MS. 

Du X., Liu T., Xi C., Wang B., Qi Z., Zhou Y., Xu J., Lin L.*, Istratescu G., Babadagli T., Li H., 2023. Can Hot Water Injection with Chemical Additives be an Alternative to Steam Injection: Static and Dynamic Experimental Evidence. Fuel, 331: 1-16.  *Corresponding author.

Mohammedalmojtaba M., Lin L., Istratescu G., Babadagli  T., Zadeh A., Anderson M., Patterson C., 2020. Underlying physics of heavy oil recovery by gas injection: An experimental parametric analysis when oil exists in the form of oil based emulsion. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 163:192–203.

Lin L., Zeng F., Gu Y., 2014. A circular solvent chamber model for simulating the VAPEX heavy oil recovery process. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 118 (6): 27–39. 

Lin L., Ma H., Zeng F., Gu Y., 2014. Experimental and numerical studies of the reservoir permeability and drainage height effects on the solvent-diluted heavy oil gravity drainage. Paper SPE 170096. SPE Heavy Oil Conference Canada. June 10–12, Calgary, Alberta.

Lin L., Ma H., Zeng F., Gu Y., 2014. A critical review of the solvent-based heavy oil recovery methods. Paper SPE 170098. SPE Heavy Oil Conference Canada. June 10–12, Calgary, Alberta. 

Lin L., 2014. Experimental, theoretical, and numerical studies of solvent-based heavy oil recovery processes. Master degree thesis, University of Regina.

Liu S., Sang S., Zhu Q., Zhang J., Gao H., Liu H., Lin L., 2015. Triple medium physical model of post fracturing high-rank coal reservoir in southern Qinshui Basin. Journal of Earth Science, 26 (23): 407–415.

Wang H., Lin L.*, Du Z., Zhang M., 2012. Signal processing in liquid level detection with acoustic method using spectral subtraction. Journal of Oil and Gas Technology, 34 (1): 118–122. *Corresponding author.

Wang H., Lin L.*, 2011. Signal denoising in liquid level detection with acoustic method using wavelet transform. Industrial Instrumentation & Automation, 6: 56–58. *Corresponding author.

Lin L., 2011. Research on signal identification technology in liquid level detection of oil wells using acoustic method. Master degree thesis, China University of Petroleum.

Scholarships and Awards